Last weekend, Steve and I had a getaway weekend in The Catskill Mountains, about 1-1/2 hours north of Manhattan. I’m playing around with making vacation TikTok’s, but they kinda suck. I’m not ready to share them. I may be too old to make a proper TikTok, but I’m not ready to admit defeat yet. Here are some pix:

Autism and ADHD
I’ve been writing about autism all day today, so that’s where my brain is at.
“A fundamental part of Autism Speaks mission is to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism, including in the workplace. One way we are doing that is through our Workplace Inclusion Now program which helps bring autistic job seekers and employers together to create a more inclusive workforce." Autism Speaks, “Tips for Autistic Job Seekers”
"Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control reveals that 1 in 22 four-year-old children in California are on the autism spectrum, significantly surpassing the national average. This increase, attributed in part to early diagnosis in California, underscores the pressing need for effective interventions in our schools." EdSource, “Rising autism rates in California elementary schools demand evidence-based practices”
"More neurodivergent students are attending college than ever. In addition, as diagnoses of autism, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental conditions rise, more individuals are recognizing these divergencies in themselves, including college faculty and staff. Yet, neurodiversity has only recently gained acknowledgment as a part of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives." Psychology Today, “Neurodiversity on Campus”
“Approximately 1 in 9 U.S. children, about 7 million, were diagnosed with ADHD in 2022, according to the study, published Wednesday. That marked about 1 million more children who received a diagnosis than in 2016, meaning the rate at which U.S. children were being diagnosed increased quite dramatically.” The Hill, ADHD Diagnoses Rising
"As children with autism grow to become teenagers, parents face some very common questions. Will they be able to get a job? Will they be able to get into college? How can I best help them prepare to get there?" Cleveland Clinic