Hi! I’m Laura McKenna, an education writer with bylines in The Atlantic, Yahoo, HuffPost, USA Today, Edutopia, The 74, and a bunch of other places. I’m also a blogger with 20 years of experience, a parent, and really lazy runner.

I am consultant for parents and autistic young people, who need help with college, work, and life. It’s called The Autism College Connection.

In my former lives, I was a political science college professor with a speciality in education policy, a special ed teacher in the South Bronx, and a secretary in a solenoid valve factory.

I am currently running two substack newsletters:

Apt. 11D - This newsletter is an extension of my long-running blog, named after my old apartment in New York City. This is my place to write about general pieces politics, family, kids, and life in the suburbs. It’s random and free and undisciplined.

The Great Leap - This is a niche newsletter aimed at the special education community. This past year, I’ve spent countless hours preparing my autistic son for life after high school. Nobody prepares you for what’s waiting after high school, if you’re a parent of a special needs kid. But I’ll tell all.

You can find me on twitter and instagram. My email is lmckenna11 at gmail.com.

My personal blog (which has been going since 2004) is called Apt. 11D. My work website is here.

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Laura McKenna on Schools, Politics, and Life


Education, politics, families. Past: journalism, pol sci professor, PhD, teacher, researcher, mom, and secretary in a solenoid valve factory.