Good article, lots to think about here.

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I've been reading your blog since the early 2000's. This is one of your best posts ever!!

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Wow. Thank you, Heather! You made my day!

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I'm one of those people who stops at the Roscoe Diner for a Happy Waitress sandwich on my way home from NYC. I had thought that Special K and I should spend a weekend in Roscoe as an easy getaway, but it's sounding a lot less attractive now.

(Your larger point is spot on, based on my experience living in a village of 600 people an hour from the nearest dry cleaner.)

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Oh, you should definitely go. The worst problems are in Livingston Manor, which is the next town over. For creative license, I merged the two towns in this essay.

Great places to eat: Red Rose Motel Tavern, Arnold House, deBruce, Van Smokeys, that pizza place in Livingston Manor, Go Good Distillery in Roscoe, Upward Brewery in Livingston Manor, Great places in Calicoon, too.

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I have heard horror tales about Livingston Manor! Although even if I hadn't, I couldn't get Special K to go there -- he refuses to set foot in any place calling itself a manor, including the nursing home a friend of ours has moved to.

Where do y'all stay when you go?

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We stayed at the Rose Rose Motel Tavern in Roscoe. They have rooms that they rent out through AirBnB. The Tavern itself is great, too. Lots of locals. Good food. I'm amusing myself I in the evenings making TikTok vacation videos. I'll post them on Insta, too. Lots of pictures and addresses. Will share with you when I'm done.

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