There's this line of that thought goes "young men need to figure this out for themselves. Don't involve me!" But the reality is that person really doesn't want to live in a world where this problem festers.

This is everyone's problem whether they like it or not.

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Jobs and babies for young men would be nice. Interestingly, I would have precisely this prescription for India, but they have struggled with the jobs part for over 75 years. Maybe babies alone are enough

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Unfortunately having known women who had babies with these types of men, the men barely change a diaper.

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Yeah. That sounds awful.

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I dislike the implication that simply taking an interest in The Unabomber Manifesto is evidence of insanity. It was an eye opener for me when I first read it in college. Sure, in time I found that it mostly expresses things that were better expressed earlier in other places by "saner" authors (a low bar that some of them only barely cleared), but as an introduction to the ideas that call into question the Whig theory of history, it was explosive.

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Thanks for your comment. I’ll check it out.

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A word of warning: it was eye opening for me in college, but it’s not nearly as good once I have revisited it as an adult. It just revealed to me the notion that history doesn’t necessarily move inevitably towards human flourishing, something which I’ve seen increasingly borne out over time. This article in the Atlantic sums it up well: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2025/02/american-loneliness-personality-politics/681091/?gift=o6MjJQpusU9ebnFuymVdsJfpgYy5vtxo0o8ixXHoDsM&utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share

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"too old to be invested in the future of the planet"

Exactly when does that kick in?

At 40, am I permitted to ignore your own opinions because of your lack of investment in the future? Can my 11 year old nephew ignore mine?

"A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”

Maybe not enough old men are planting trees right now, but we shouldn't pretend that selfless stewardship of the future isn't a thing that people should aspire to, and are fully capable of achieving with normal human empathy.

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When 871 billionaires own 50% of the wealth in this country that leaves the hundreds of millions struggling.

It’s the income inequality. The lack of affordable housing, expensive healthcare, student debt, etc. The youth do not have the opportunities that the generations before them had. Of course they are disaffected and angry. A 15 point swing towards TFG in that demographic is a message. Politicians and billionaires should pay attention.

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If you are interested, I can dig up some links later, but I recall Paul Krugman writing about the change in compensation for executives and investment bankers over the last two generations. He claimed that investment banking in the 1960s was merely a solid, well-paid job. The expectation for investment returns and executive compensation have been far out of balance for some decades already and that would be a sound basis for a majority movement, even if there were a great outpouring of concentrated power and money opposing it.

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Funny thing is that Mangione is the product of superwealth, super privilege, himself. Product of high end private schools, several Ivy League degrees. “Working class hero” now apparently.

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You just admitted the problem with your reply.

“Working class hero" is a figure of speech. “

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How about you show evidence to of your claim that he did is seen as a “working class hero ?“ Authorization disapprovals and claim denials affect all “classes” of Americans.

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Hardly equally. In fact, red states allow all kinds of loopholes for insurers that blue states do not, tilting red state life expectancy downward. Black maternal mortality is appalling. Women's own bodies are being weaponized against us by Supreme Court decree. If you don't realize that the super wealthy can afford health solutions unavailable to most I can't help. "Working class hero" is a figure of speech. Mangione is neither working class nor a hero.

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I really did not see progressives endorsing flat out murder coming.

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I still don’t see it. Understanding motivations for an act and endorsing said act are two entirely different concepts.

It really isn’t hard to understand the difference.

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Lots of people are overjoyed a CEO got murdered.

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I have spent 34 years working within the prison industrial complex, engaging with a diverse array of individuals, including a notable number of white men, many of whom have expressed considerable frustration. When individuals pose a risk to society, it is essential to place them in a secure environment to ensure both public safety and the opportunity for rehabilitation. It is important to recognize that murder is a grave offense under the law, particularly in instances of premeditation. Furthermore, many individuals involved in the January 6th riots faced legal repercussions for various offenses, including the assault of law enforcement officers, with penalties that included prison incarceration.

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